Constantin Ardeleanu is Senior Researcher at the Institute for South-East European Studies and Long-Term Fellow at the New Europe College – Institute for Advanced Study, Bucharest. Formerly, he was Professor of Modern History at the Department of History, Philosophy, and Sociology of ”Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi. He is interested in the social and economic history of Danubian Europe and the Black Sea region since the eighteenth century.
In this project (from June 2022-to September 2023), Constantin Ardeleanu works on the construction of infrastructure (ports, bridges, railways) in late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries Romania and the corruption scandals that ensued. At the same time, he is interested in the emergence of Romanian technonationalism, with a school of Romanian engineers that claimed to have all needed knowledge to take over the country’s modernization programs.
Selected publications:
O croazieră de la Viena la Constantinopol. Călători, spații, imagini. 1830–1860, Humanitas, București, 2021.
The European Commission of the Danube, 1856–1948. An Experiment in International Administration, Leiden – Boston, Brill, 2020.
”Steamboat Sociality along the Danube and in the Black Sea (mid-1830s–mid-1850s),” Journal of Transportation History, 2020, pp. 208–222.
”Romania’s Investments in Its Maritime Ports (1878–1914),” in Port cities of the western Black Sea Coast and the Danube. Economic and social development in the long nineteenth century, edited by Constantin Ardeleanu & Andreas Lyberatos, Corfu, 2015, pp. 102–131.
Email: ardcons@gmail.com