On December 7, 2022, Silvia Marton and Constantin Ardeleanu presented the project (its hypothesis, research objectives, methodology and conceptual framework) during the weekly Wednesday NEC seminar, CanCor’s first team research seminar. Team members Raul Cârstocea and Andrei Sorescu attended the event online and they actively took part in the discussions. They all received valuable feedback from the current NEC fellows.
On November 22-23, 2022, Raul Cârstocea presented the paper ”The Numbers Game: From Demographic Anxieties to Calls for Numerus Clausus at Interwar Romanian Universities” at the international conference „Ghetto Benches. Structures of Exclusion at Universities in Poland and Central Europe”, organized by the University of Warsaw. His presentation was based on the book he co-authored with team member Andrei-Dan Sorescu.
Organized by the four team members, Constantin Ardeleanu, Raul Cârstocea, Silvia Marton and Andrei-Dan Sorescu, the CanCor launch conference took place on November 18, 2022, at the New Europe College, Bucharest, Infrastructură de transport și națiune. Discursuri și scandaluri ale modernizării în România (1840-1914) / Transportation infrastructure and nation-building. Discourses and scandals of modernization in Romania (1840-1914). The event was organized in Romanian and it reached a wide scientific audience, within the NEC community and within the larger Romanian academia. All team members had presentations on topics that reflected their main research directions and scientific inquires within the framework of the project: Constantin Ardeleanu, „Infrastructură de transport și construcție național-statală în România modernă”; Silvia Marton, “„Dulci pot fi banii”. Concesiunile de căi ferate și semnificațiile „corupției” “; Andrei-Dan Sorescu, “Teutofobie, colonialism, antisemitism: convergențe în jurul afacerii Strousberg – preistorii și ecouri”; Raul Cârstocea, “Corupţie şi colonialism: continuităţi ale anxietăţilor antisemitismului din secolul al XIX-lea în interbelicul românesc”.
On September 29-30, 2022, Constantin Ardeleanu presented the paper ”Free from Hindrances: Shipping and Fishing Mobility Systems in the Danube Delta Region (1856–1914)” at the international workshop ”Disturbance on the Danube: State, Infrastructure and the Environment (I)”. He explained how the region was transformed by infrastructure projects in the XIX-XX centuries.
On September 28, 2022, Raul Cârstocea presented the paper ”Othering Corruption: Comparing Interwar Fascism and Post-socialist Populism in Romania” at the international workshop „Nationalism, Populism, Fascism and Democratic (In)stability in Eastern Europe. Historical Continuities and Transformations”, held at the New Europe College, Bucharest.
On September 15-17, 2022, Raul Cârstocea presented the paper ”Corruption and Colonialism: Populist Tropes in the Rhetoric of the Fascist Movement in Interwar Romania” at the annual conference of the Irish Association for Russian, Central and East European Studies (IARCEES), held at the Maynooth University, Ireland.
On September 9, 2022, Constantin Ardeleanu participated to the National Congress of Romanian Historians, organized in Alba Julia. He participated in the round table entitled “Nature and technology at the Lower Danube”. He discussed, together with colleagues from Romania and abroad, about the importance of the infrastructure projects that transformed the Danube Delta region, affecting the environment in the medium and long term.
On June 30-July 2, 2022, Silvia Marton co-organised the panel ”Réseaux culturels et médiateurs: une approche micro-historique et transnationale / Cultural Networks and Mediators: a Micro-Historical and Transnational Approach” at the international congress ”Les Quatrièmes Rencontres d’Etudes Balkaniques – Balkans connectés” organized by Association française d’études sur les Balkans (AFEBalk), in Marseille, France. The panel focused on methodological questions and on how to write a transnational history of South-East Europe. Team member Andrei Sorescu (joining the project in 2023) presented a paper closely related to the CanCor topic, namely ”Drumont, aller-retour: Pour une historie intellectuelle des réseaux antisémites pan-européens”.
On June 15-17, 2022, Silvia Marton, project director, and team members Constantin Ardeleanu and Andrei Sorescu (joining the team in 2023) organized the panel ”Colonialism, Antisemitism, and Corruption (Scandals) in Romania” at the Society for Romanian Studies 2022 Conference entitled ”Borders and Transfers”. Silvia Marton presented the paper ”Railway Construction and Corruption Scandals in Nineteenth Century Romania”, Constantin Ardeleanu presented the paper ”From a «National Disgrace» to a Triumph of Romanian Hydraulic Mastery: Romanian Techno-Nationalism and the Modernization of Constanța’s Habour in Late Nineteenth Century”, and Andrei Sorescu presented the paper “The «Colonial» Language of Nineteenth-Century Romanian Antisemitism”.
Launch conference, November 18, 2022, NEC